Hi everybody . For the breakdancers or for anybody in the world .who don't know the greatest dancer of all time ? , for those who didnt'know ,let me tell you it's : " MI-CHEAL JACK-SON".

so if you are are big fan , i hope you will enjoy by getting more information about him.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


    HE was born , oh yes he was born . The man who in the future who influences the styles of many dancers , singers , choreographers, producers , songwritters. etc...
    Gary Indiana, a suburb of CHICAGO is where the future superstar saw glow of light . He was the eight child of a family of ten childs. Rose by a devout JEHOVAH'S witness, his mother , KATHERINE ESTHER and his father , JOSEPH WALTER "JOE" JACKSON, who by the past perfomed with an R&B band called the FALCONS. At the age of 5 MIKE began to perfome in schools programs and at the age of 8, he shared the title of lead vocal, with his old
    er brotherMARLON when he joined , JERMAINE , TITO and JACKIE , in the prodigious band called JACKSON FIVE, formed by his father . The band had to rehearse flat out to be at the top . I think it was not so easy to manage education and career, both at the same time , in a laps of time ,their life had completely changed ,they passed to simply children to successful singers , they became superstars, later they had to deal with many studios and had many honorable contract with many companies , tv channels , radios, discs house , such as MTV etc... If we listen attentively to their firsts musics , you can easily say that they were a mixture of some adult and kids experiences arround many themes such as "love" , but you can still see the childishness , when MICHEAL perfomes , you could recognize the child he was when he sang" ABC , PAPA GOT A BRAND NEW etc..." . I think that MICHEAL contributed a lot in JACKSON FIVE success. He was the star of the band , everybody wanted to see what Micheal would presents to the public. In the following picture you will have the opportunity to see some of the JACKSON FIVE photos and by your comments you will tell me about them.:

    There you can easily see Micheal in the middle.

    you can't ask more than a family band.

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