Hi everybody . For the breakdancers or for anybody in the world .who don't know the greatest dancer of all time ? , for those who didnt'know ,let me tell you it's : " MI-CHEAL JACK-SON".

so if you are are big fan , i hope you will enjoy by getting more information about him.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Some expect me to talk about his change of color and yes I have not forgotten you. MICHAEL some rumors claim that he had this desire, since a long time to change its color, one thing is true that he was seriously blown up while he was filming a commercial for the famous company "PEPSI" 's or it is discolored on the one hand, then he has completely changed its color.The other version is , that he was attacked by a skin illness , named vitiligo and that was true, so he wanted to cure it but at this time the technology was not at the point it is today . After these events he looked like another person , came from another kind of people. That did not change the love of his fans by the opposite , that increased the average of white people following him.In the next picture , we can realize the fact between and after his skin transposition:

yes , i know what you think , : "It's two differents persons " . But let me allow myself to tell ,that he did'nt really change . Of course he changed , externally but he still was always the best MOONWALKER as before . And allow me to share my opinion,:" Whatever what he did i will forever like MICHEAL JACKSON . I will always try to imitate him because when i copy him , i feel like someone else and dream of this kind of career. That does not mean that i will change my color into another , but the person he was inside . I know that many peoples hated him because he did change his color , but let me ask you a question . Did you never do something that you regret that is enough to make hate yourself ? . The point is that everybody did something wrong , everybody has a regret , everybody want to come back , just once in their past to change . Dont' you think that if we had a forecast of the future we would do the right thing correctly in the present time your living , everybody has his period of foolish in life . We ca'nt avoid the mistakes , they are there, we were born with it , and at the time we realize it . We say " what the .... i did", Did i really messed it up , or i feel no regrets did it? . I think that nobody will really know if THE KING OF POP , regret his mistake to change his color.

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